Who We Are

Who We Are

Your Community Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created by and for the people who live here. We build bridges between donors with a charitable vision and the nonprofits who make our region a great place to live, work, and play.
Mandar Dighe
David Fox
Lance Grady
James Hansen
Planting Our Roots

On November 26, 1997, a small group of citizens with an abundance of enthusiasm embarked on a mission to secure the quality of life in our region now and forever. By yearend, they had a modest $1,050. Through commitment and vision, the Quincy Area Community Foundation expanded and grew to become the Community Foundation Serving West Central Illinois & Northeast Missouri. 
Branching Out for the Future
Since planting those initial seeds, your Community Foundation has invested millions to help build and strengthen communities in West Central Illinois and Northeast Missouri. Assets from funds, mostly permanent endowments, continue to grow and grant to local arts and culture, community betterment, education, health, and human services organizations and programs. These grants affect individuals in each of the 12 counties we serve and beyond.
Building Bridges

Serving 12 counties on both sides of the Mississippi River, we operate as a bridge between our donors’ charitable visions and the nonprofit organizations that bring those visions to life. 

Our Service Area:

CF National Standards
Alliance of Illinois Community Foundations
Alliance of Missouri Community Foundations
Copyright © 2018 · Community Foundation of the Quincy Area. Website development by WGEM.


621 Vermont Street
Quincy, IL 62301


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