Endowment Calculator

Power of Endowment

With a permanently endowed fund, good will continue to grow for generations. Use our endowment calculator to see what’s possible with your initial gift.
Term Market Value Earnings Admin Fees Annual Grants Ending Balance Accumulative Grants Total
5 yr.
10 yr.
15 yr.
20 yr.
25 yr.
IMPORTANT: The results provided by the Endowment Calculator are intended for illustrative purposes only and are not guaranteed. The illustration should not be relied upon nor deemed as endowment fund advice. The investment projections, outcomes, and other information generated by the Endowment Calculator are hypothetical in nature, are based on Community Foundation investment goals and policies, and do not reflect actual investment results. Results may vary with each use and over time, and past results are not guarantees of future results. Projections are based on average returns, fees, and distributions. Administrative fees vary by fund. No market value averaging formula is being used. This tool uses a three-year average balance to compute the amounts distributed from endowed funds.
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